Baby Can Roll From Back to Tummy but Not Tummy to Back

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Rolls back to tummy but not tummy to back. Advice?

My daughter will be 6 months on Saturday.  She's great at rolling from her back to her tummy but hasn't figured out how to roll from her tummy to her back.

It wasn't a problem until it started affecting her sleep.  At some point in the night she rolls to her tummy, then doesn't like it and cries until we turn her back over.  She spends most of her waking hours on her tummy so she's had a lot of time to experiment how to roll but never seems interested in being on her back.

If anyone has experience in helping a baby learn to roll from tummy to back please advise!  Thanks!


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No advice but to tell you I'm going through this now

He started two weeks ago. After a week he finally started sleeping on his belly. Now he only sleeps on belly but he still has no idea how to go belly to back.

I went through this with my older son too. After 3 weeks he learned to go both ways but continued to sleep on his tummy

No advice but I'm in the exact same boat. My LO can flip back to tummy and will spend up to 45 mins playing on her tummy. She can't roll back over yet. At night she will roll over and sometimes be ok sleeping on her tummy but sometimes she gets super frustrated and wakes up. I then flip her over and we start the whole process again. We've tried practicing flipping tummy to back. Hopefully it will click soon.

My LO also only rolls back to tummy. I saw a video on YouTube about how to teach them to roll the other way. It involved propping arms up and then getting their attention to something hanging and kind of move it to cause them to roll. You could always try something like that till your LO learns. Mine sleeps in a Merlin's suit and since she can't roll in it we don't have that problem.

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Baby Can Roll From Back to Tummy but Not Tummy to Back


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